The collapse of the government in Kabul and return to control of the Taliban is a disaster for a great many people, particularly women who had stepped into more westernized lives, political liberals, and many others. Recriminations and condemnation of Biden have already begun. The US military has been in Afghanistan for about 20 years, and with the State Department and other agencies has been building an army and civil government. But they failed. The Afghan army collapsed, the civil government collapsed. I don't have any insight into why that is useful. I pretend to have the expertise to say anything original about the situation. I do feel comfortable noting that the efforts failed, that it the conflicts within Afghanistan and Pakistan presented what look to me be intractable problems for outsiders like the US. I don't pretend to understand US policy with respect to Pakistan, why the US would give billions to Pakistan while Pakistan pretty openly supported the Taliban and its like. It is a disaster created by every president beginning with George Bush. A poorly done intervention. As such things are. And why it is good to read Chomsky on politics every few years.
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